“tools.digitalmethods.net,” (with DMI), set of tools that collect and analyze Web data for social and cultural research, Amsterdam, 2006 – .
“WEX Machine,” (with Roel Wouters and Vincent Lindeboom), a Physical Website as Permanent Installation recursively connecting the on- and the offline, Amsterdam, php/ajax/xml/python/css/c/dhtml/imagemagick, w139, Amsterdam, 2009-2010.
“MappingControversies.net,” (with DMI), Faceted Multi-Level Classification of controversy mapping tactics, perl/ajax/css, February 2009 – .
“Issuefeed.net,” (with govcom.org), Issue Discovery and Feed Delivery System, php/perl/c/ajax/dhtml/css/javascript/api, March 2008 – .
“Leakygarden.net,” (with DMI), shows which social networks, i.e. ‘walled gardens’, leak data, and which are watertight, ajax/php/html/css, November 2008.
“Metareporter.nl,” faceted search plugin for wordpress, ajax/php/html/css, September 2008.
“Scrape Google,” (with govcom.org), Lipmannian Devise (after Walter Lipmann) which provides a coarse means of showing actor partisanship, built on top of a Google Scraper, php/javascript/dhtml/css, May 2008 – .
“Vriendjespolitiek.net,” (UvA/HKU project), a social network (Hyves) profile scraper, crawler, and data mining resulting in a political voting recommendation, php/xml/ajax/svg/sql/dhtml/css, May 2008.
“Tape Mixer,” a music video mash-up linking Last.fm recommendations to Youtube clips, also providing pictures, lyrics, biographies, and web shop integration, php/sql/javascript/ajax/rss/xml/dhtml/css, October 2007 – .
“Issuescraper.net,” (with govcom.org, sonologic.nl, and anderemedia.nl), suite of scraping tools: Google, Google News, Google Scholar, Google Images, Yahoo, Technorati, Del.icio.us, etc, php/sql/ajax/xml/rss/perl/shell/dhtml/css/svg 2005 – .
“Tools.digitalmethods.net,” (with govcom.org and Digital Methods Initiative), news and engine scrapers, robots.txt sniffer, internet censorship exploration proxies and other new media and digital methods research tools, php/sql/ajax/xml/rss/perl/python/shell/dhtml/css/svg, 2004 – .
“Issuecrawler.net,” (with govcom.org, sonologic.nl, and anderemedia.nl), Issue Network Mapping Software, server-side network location and visualization software, in java/postgresql/php/xml/svg/rss/html/css, 2002 – .
“ipbrowser,” (with Alexander Galloway, Rosa Menkman, Laura van der Vlies, and Michael Stephenson), alternative browsing, javascript/php/dhtml/css, August 2008.
“deletefrominternet.com,” (with Michael Stevenson and Esther Weltevrede), web service to nominate web pages for deletion, javascript/php/dhtml/css, February 2008.
“elfriendo.com – taking the work out of social networking,” (with govcom.org), mySpace profile scraper, crawler, and data mining, php/xml/ajax/dhtml/css, Montevideo, Amsterdam, January 2008.
“Misspelling Generator,” (with Linda Hilfling), Firefox extension generating Google misspellings, javascript, Impakt, Utrecht, January 2008.
“Masters of Media WordPress Theme,” UvA Mediastudies, html/css/php, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, October 2007.
“iTea,” (with mediamatic.net), interactive RFID installation querying Google about person information and visualizing it through a projection on a table surface, php/perl/rdf/processing/dhtml/css/shell, Picnic07, Amsterdam, September 2007.
“Interactive Geographical Visualization of the NISEnet Network,” (with Informationlab), sql/xml/google maps/dhtml/css/ajax, Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network, San Fransisco, US, June 2007.
“Open-Search,” (with Open-search), distributed search engine, ajax/java, November 2006 – June 2007.
“Whatever Button,” (with Michael Stevenson), changes Firefox form buttons like ‘I agree’ in Whatever, javascript, April 2007.
“The Oracle Machine,” (with Jeroen Joosse and Karel Brascamp), Scraping Google for producing Oracles about user defined issues, php, de Balie Center for Culture and Politics, Amsterdam, January 2007.
“Issuedramaturg.issuecrawler.net,” (with govcom.org), Google Page Rank Monitoring System, svg/php/html/css, 2007 – .
“Infowarroom.org,” (with Roel Wouters), a research pile based on user-generated content using the del.icio.us tag network around ‘media criticism’, php/shell/dhtml/ajax/css, de Balie Center for Culture and Politics, Amsterdam, December 2006.
“Bliki,” a WordPress plugin automatically linking weblogs to wikis, developed for de Nieuwe Reporter, php, March 2006.
“Smile,” a website showing a random Flickr photo tagged ‘smile’, php, January 2006.
Website development, various projects, 1996 – .